Fair Use Policy

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The RouteXL website, Apps and API made available under a Fair Use Policy:

- You can only calculate one route at a time. If you need to create multiple routes, you will need to do one after the other.

- There is no limit on the number of routes you plan each day, unless your usage is extreme.

Extreme usage

Extreme usage on our service is not a fixed number. It's defined as 5 times the average number of routes that users plan on a day. And it's stretched if the number of stops is low or the load on our servers is low. On average, upgraded users should have no problem calculating approximately 5,000 stops a day, which boils down to 100 routes with 50 stops, or 50 routes with 100 stops. If you go beyond the limit, you won't be cut off. But route planning will be slower and we may contact you to find a solution.

An exception to this rule is made for free users of the API, where we may block access immediately at extreme usage or misuse. The fair use limit for free users is approx 20 routes or requests per day. Using multiple free accounts to make multiple requests at the same time and/or bypass the throttling is considered misuse and will be blocked without notice.


On the website and apps, you can use several third-party services to find addresses on the map. Finding addresses, or Geocoding, requires quite some resources. The geocoding services may set usage limits at their will. Make use of the Import button to re-use locations and minimize the need for geocoding. You can also select another Geocoding service in the Options.