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418 bytes added, 16:27, 25 November 2015
Upgrade an account
=== Upgrade an account ===
This Upgrading an account is the most easy way to go premium. If When you register an account, you can select have a premium subscription. If you have a free account, you can add a subscription when all you need itto do is log in and the number of stops per route is increased. The upgrades use PayPal for easy, fast and secure payments.
If you register an account, you can select a subscription. If you already have an account, you can add a subscription when you need it. When the subscription ends, your account will go back to the free level again. You'll be able to load and use the routes you made when you were premium and you can create new routes up to 20 stops. To upgrade an your accountgo to: []
=== Get an access code ===

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